Today, I was planted. My fantastic and wonderful gardener placed my into a film canister with moist top soil and with a wick in the bottom of the canister to automatically draw in moisture. She also added 3 fertilizer tablets and three other fellow seeds. My body is beginning to change, I think. I think my body is being hydrated and woken up from my dried, dormant state. This is because the soil and the water have damaged my seed coating, allowing water in to replenish my cells and leech away my chemical inhibitors. I have a small supply of nutrients stored within my vacuoles, so I should be able to being my growth. My metabolism should be high for now, and I will also have access to 24 hour light when I reach the surface, since I don't need rest periods to function. Wish me luck!
B. Rapa
Vacuole - An organelle within a cell which caches stores of nutrients. They are more numerous in plant cells, particularly in root, fruit, and seed cells.
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