Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 30 - April 21, 2009

I've basically halted all further vertical growth... I'm at 28.5 cm as of now! As you can see from my picture, all of my flowers have been fertilized and are growing healthy, plentiful pods. Unfortunately, I only have, at best, 5-10 days left to live. My existence, and thus my purpose, is just about carried out. Generally, I exist to reproduce. My goal is to produce many seeds from my single seed-body. The only further growth that I'll experience is the further loss of chlorophyll from my leaves and the maturity of my pods.

My leaves are naturally turning yellow and brown. You see, I have organelles called plastids. These are the organelles that I use to hold starches, pigments, and most of all perform photosynthesis. To prepare for my death, and my lack of need for energy, my chloroplasts begin shutting down. This makes the dominant green pigments fade and the yellow, orange and brown pigments from my chromoplast come through. The chromoplast had these pigments synthesised already, as they assist in photosynthesis.
Wish me luck in my last few days.

B. Rapa

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